Templates Wiki

On a wiki that was made in about 2008-2009, I'm having trouble getting collapsible show/hide buttons to show, here's the code:

{| class="collapsible collapse" style="width:250px; margin:0 0 1em 1em; border:2px solid #{{{border|{{okami color}}}}}; float:right; text-align:center; color:black; {{roundytop|20px}}; {{roundybottom|5px}}"
! width="100%" style="background-color: #{{{bgcolor|{{okamiden color light}}}}}; font-size: 8pt; {{Roundytop|20px}}; {{Roundybottom|5px}}" | My User tags


  • The templates that have the name "roundy" at the first part are rounded corner templates
  • Some of those templates are color templates (for the hex codes)
  • Most of this templates code is copied from another wiki's template that has the buttons showing fine.

Can someone please help me?